I've been inspired to write a new post. You may wonder why, since I
haven't written anything for months. But to sum up what has happened
between then and now, here it is. I happily arrived back in Wisconsin
after spending my summer in Nashville to start my third year of school. I
have finished three fiddles, one of which I get to keep. I've been
getting myself more familiar with guitars and lowered the action on my
boyfriend's guitar and am working on doing the same for mine. I have
started building a viola, which if I remember correctly is approximately
16 1/4 long. Today I just finished gluing the ribs. I started repairing
an old fiddle for a friend. I bought it at an antique store for
something like 15bucks. It isn't in playing condition. I will end up
putting more work than it is probably worth in a shop's perspective, but
it gives me something to practice on and it will be my friend's first
violin. I will be putting a new neck and scroll on it since it has some
pretty severe cracks that someone tried repairing. And last but not
least. Last Friday I played my very first show premiering myself. It was
about a two hour show with an intermission in there. I played fiddle
tunes and did some singing. Had a great time! And my partner, Chris,
backed me up on guitar and sang a few himself. I was on cloud nine that
night. I don't think I've ever felt quite like I did.
On this old fiddle I am working on, like I said earlier, I will be carving a new scroll and neck for it. I recently bought new accessories for it including a fingerboard. So far I have taken the neck off the body and the top off.. Someone had already put a sizable patch where the soundpost is. I cleaned and glued a couple open cracks on the top and reglued some splinters that came off when the top came off. Next I will cleat the cracks. Below is what the instrument looked like when I got it.

open seam
A piece of wood was put in. You can see it on the outside here under the G peg.
On top of the pegbox walls some sort of pins were put in.
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